Tuesday, June 8, 2010

5 . . .

Short post as it is late but I think we only have six chrysalis left . . . which means we should have 28 butterflies now.

More tomorrow . . .

Sunday, June 6, 2010

6 . . .

The butterfly count is nine.

My wife and I put together the garden at Delhi today; the list of 'things to do' includes:

Mulch the beds
Install the Christmas lights and fabric
Install the netting around the gazebo
Add signage and large photographs

And I'm sure I'm forgetting something . . .

Saturday, June 5, 2010

7 . . . 4!

Yes, earlier today the first four emerged from their chrysalis. Hopefully that number will steadily climb this week.

Tomorrow, we'll begin building the butterfly garden/experience. Here's to hoping that goes well.

Friday, June 4, 2010

8 . . .

All is quiet, nothing to report.

The butterflies could have started emerging today, but from what I have read the more likely scenario is that they start to emerge around Tuesday.

This weekend will be spent working towards getting the garden set up at Liberty.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

9 . . .

Gazebo? Check.
Echinacea purpurea? Check.
Christmas lights? Check.
Aruncus dioicus? Check.
Picket fence? Check.
Asclepias tuberosa? Check.

Nothing new on the chrysalis, they are all hanging silently in the flight. My son thinks he can see wings forming . . .

Outside he found a new bug, Poecilocapsus lineatus, the four-lined plant bug. Very cool stuff. We also found a wheel bug nymph, so it looks like those monsters will be stalking amongst the flowers again this year.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

T-Minus 10

Today we are ten days out from my two seminars and charity event; the chrysalis are hanging and quiet. Of the three that were left, two have been lost and the third finally went to chrysalis. This means that I currently have 34 in the second to last stage of their lives.

This weekend, I will be setting up the gazebo that will hopefully turn into an enclosed flight, as well as putting plants aside for the garden. Echinacea has been coming to bloom, so that is a good sign. I may get some Asclepias to bloom as well.

Signs and images will be produced this week . . . stay tuned . . .