Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Here she comes . . .

When I first started conceptualizing the Habitat, I had a small list of 'must have plants'; elderberry and spicebush, a redbud tree, coneflower and this gem - cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis).

The appeal is instant when it is in bloom - only scarlet beebalm can challenge it for the intensity of red in a native plant.  The trick to raising it appropriately is to keep it constantly wet; you can set it in a pond, or put it in a rain garden or wetland.

I have three in our small wetland, all purchased from the phenomenal Native Plant Sale held annually at the Aullwood Audubon Center.  If you are just getting into native plants, it would be foolish to miss this sale.  Where else can you find straight native species for $3.50 each (no, that's not a typo) that are of better stock than *anything* you will find at a nursery!

This plant is ranked as one of the top five attractors of our only native hummer, the ruby-throat.  In fact, I have read where this plant is said to 'pull hummingbirds out of the sky' and if you have the chance to see one of these native beauties up close you will understand why.

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